We got the menu covers yesterday and they look great! I really appreciate the promptness of your services. Everyone on your team was so great to work with and I look forward to doing business with you in the future.
--Red Pony Restaurant, Tennessee
We received our menu covers Friday p.m. - - - just in time for Valentines weekend!! Looked great with our new Menu release!
--Tascali's, West Virginia
I would like to order additional menus for my cafe again as I am very happy with my first order.
--Projectshop, Singapore
We received the vinyl menu covers today--thank you! They are perfect! We look forward to doing business with you in the future!
--Bodega Wine Bar, Santa Monica
Ciao! The menus look fantastic! Thank you so much for your help.
--Roberto Restaurant/Zero Otto Nove, New York
Thank you for the assistance and the quick turn around on this order. You have been a great help and I look forward to working with you on our future needs.
-- Hilton, Little Rock
I must say I am impressed. The menu covers arrived this morning.....and they are BEAUTIFUL! Really, great work on these.
-- Mokarabia, Italy
Great reviews over our new menu format…THANK YOU!
-- Buffalo Sabres
The Pre-Production Sample has been approved and everyone loves it!
-- The Lyric Opera of Chicago
The Pre-Proof looks awesome!
--Sagamore Steakhouse, New York
I just wanted to let you know I received our shipment today. Thank you so much for the rush...they are beautiful!
-- The Lodge at Wilderness Ridge, Lincoln
Home > Street Talkers and Table Tents
Street Talkers and Table Tents
22”x41” heavy-duty wood (available in Almond, Colonial, Original) with 2 removable 18"x28" chalkboards. Folding mechanism allows easy prop-up outside your business.
Removable O-ring on a black plastic base accommodates up to 24 inserts.
Two view clear acrylic tents are top loading.
2-Sided Table Tents promote cocktails, desserts, special menus, events and more! Available in 4x6, 4x8, 5x7 & 8.5x11. Call for details!
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